Dream symbols beginning with the letter B

Many people from time to time will have babies or small children in their dreams. If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life. At times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dream and represent your potential and a new beginning. Some of the meaning of the dream may be obtained by considering what the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human whose possibilities are endless. However, if the babies appearance is odd, and if your interactions with it are bizarre or unusual, you need to consider your own well-being (psychologically) and think about what personal experiences and psychological hang-ups have prevented you from growing.

When we bake, we transform matter. We take raw materials and make them into something nutritious and pleasing. Dreaming about baking is a positive dream image. It suggests that you are feeling optimistic and productive.

Some believe that dreaming about baldness is a warning about poor health. However, baldness symbolizes a lack of something, just like those who are bald lack hair. Hair represents feelings of personal power and beauty. Consider if such issues are currently relevant in your life.

Freud suggested that all such objects have phallic implications. However, all types of food bring up issues of nourishment. In the world of classic or superstition-based dream interpretations, eating bananas suggests a period of hard work but little reward. Spoiled fruit usually suggests “spoiled” situations or friendships.

When I was in college, I read in a theology book that a monk on a mountain top and a man with his bottle of wine are really trying to get to the same place. That “place” translates to peace and a genuine feeling of being connected to the rest of the universe. Dreaming about being in bars and drinking may symbolize a need that you have for some type of a meaningful transformation. On the other hand, this dream may be a form of wish fulfillment, and you are escaping into a pleasurable environment where daily cares and concerns are meaningless. If you rarely allow yourself to relax and socialize, this dream may be compensatory in nature.

The house generally represents your psychological and emotional self. Each part of the house may deal with a different part of you. The basement is built first. It is often below ground (or at least some parts of it), and is essentially the foundation of the house. Dreaming about a basement and understanding the dream, may provide you with valuable information which may lead to greater self-awareness. A recurring dream about basements (i.e. being in a basement, cleaning a basement, furnishing a basement, etc.) should not be ignored. These dreams may be symbolic of your unconscious, instincts and intuition, and degree of awareness of a current situation or a problem. The look of the basement may provide you with clues about your current feelings and state of contentment. If the basement is a mess, and you see great disorder and clutter, it suggests that you may be experiencing confusion and that it is a very good time to “sort” things out emotionally and psychologically. At times, the activities which are going on in the basement of your dream may be based on past experiences or childhood memories. As with all dreams, their main purpose seems to be to bring the dreamer to higher consciousness so that he may deal with his current issues more effectively, rather than to dwell on the past.
See also:

Most bats are nocturnal predators and just thinking about these mysterious creatures gives most people an uneasy feeling (unless you are a bat lover, which is rare). Bats may be considered mysterious and unpredictable. When you are interpreting this dream, look carefully at the details and your emotional reactions to the events in the dream. This dream may be related to discrete or covert behaviors. Your unconscious mind may be relating feelings to you in regard to behaviors which you or someone else prefers to keep a secret.

Taking a bath in a dream may represent your need to undergo some form of cleansing. If you are currently changing things in your daily life, or if you have freed yourself from bothersome emotions, this dream may be an affirmation of that. Taking a bath represents a cleansing of the outer self, the washing away of those things that are difficult or disturbing and relaxing for a while. The deeper meaning may be that the bath represents the letting go of old and useless ideas, opinions or prejudices. Often this dream is a call to relax, to free your mind of daily troubles, and to put your problems away for a while.
See also:

Judging by all of the e-mail that I receive, dreaming about bathrooms seems to be common. They are most valuable in our daily life. In our dreams bathrooms may be equally valuable symbols. They suggest that there is a need for emotional and psychological cleansing. You may need to get rid of emotional and psychological baggage. It is difficult to be carefree and happy when old issues keep “bringing you down.” The bathroom is a good dream symbol. Consider all of the details in your dream. Make an effort to cleanse mind and spirit by putting useless thoughts and feeling behind you!
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Beards are usually associated with masculinity, wisdom, strength; and the men who have them typically command respect. Moses, Jesus, Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln all had beards. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming of bearded men is a good omen, and good luck will follow. On the other hand, dreaming about woman with beards is said to be bad luck. It’s no wonder, a woman who is strong, wise and commands respect is a very threatening creature (to some). If you are a woman dreaming that you have a beard, you may be dealing with your own issues of power. You may be using more masculine energy than you would like to or that is necessary.
See also:

A bear in a dream is a very rich and complicated dream symbol. In order to understand it, objective association need to be made. Bears are solitary animals and the females are solitary mothers. They hibernate in a cave and they are generally not predatory animals. A bear is only aggressive when provoked, and as such times he is dangerous and deadly. Bears in dreams may represent a period of introspection and depression. However, this may be a part of a healing cycle, where the dreamer has retreated into himself in order to regenerate and in order to create something new and valuable in his life. Bears are highly regarded symbols in a variety of cultures and traditions, including the Native American tradition. Carl Jung said that all wild animals represent latent affects (feelings and emotions). The interpretation of the bear in a dream may be influenced by your perception of it and by the events in the dream. The bear may represent qualities in your character or specific aspects of your personality. Bears are usually associated with danger and aggression, but this is a very narrow view of this powerful dream symbol.

Beavers are very busy animals. They gnaw all day and build their homes. They are generally not considered to be friendly animals. All of their hard work is focused on isolating and protecting themselves. When dreaming about these animals, consider those characteristics and try to see how they are relevant to you or someone in your life. Is there isolation and “blocking” up of feelings and self-expression going on around you? Or is something “gnawing” at you that you can no longer ignore? If you can answer these questions, you will have a better understanding of your dream.

This is one of the most valued pieces of furniture. It’s where we sleep, rest, restore our minds and bodies and engage in sexual pleasure. The bed is symbolic of all of these things. The bed could also symbolize the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious (i.e.our daily lives and the great unknown, our spirit and our psychological undercurrent). The quality and the cleanliness of the bed in our dreams, may say something about the way we feel about ourselves and our relationships. In reality we “make our own bed,” so the dream may reflect that bed and remind us that we have to either change it or lie in it. If there were things hiding under the bed in your dream, it may symbolize secrets that you or others are keeping.

Consider the details of this dream, as well as your emotional reactions in it, as bees can have a variety of different connotations. The positive symbolism is that of a person that is hard-working, has good organization skills, and is cooperative and creative. The negative symbolism could be that of a follower, a busybody and of someone that “stings.” If you are working on a project in which many people need to work together to accomplish a goal, this may be a topic for some of your dreams.

All vehicles symbolize our passage through the journey of life. Since the bicycle is usually acquired earlier in life than a car, it could be pointing out some of your adolescent tendencies. If you are a teenager, then it may be a routine way of getting around. Riding a bicycle in your dream may symbolize a need for balance and hard work in order for you to succeed in a current endeavor. Some think that the bicycle could also represent your need for some type of assistance. Consider all of the details in your dream, including whether you are traveling up or down the road.
See also:
Car, Road, Journey

Carl Jung said that birds represent thoughts while birds in flight symbolize moving and changing thoughts. Birds are generally associated with freedom and abandon. In old dream interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens (except for blackbirds, which are generally negative). Doves and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. Your dream depends on its details, but if the birds in your dream were flying free, it may be symbolic of spiritual, psychological, or physical freedom.

Women who are pregnant and men who are going to be fathers commonly have dreams about giving birth. It is not an omen of anything to come, but simply the mind trying to cope with a significant anxiety-provoking event. If you or your mate are not pregnant, this dream could symbolize new beginnings (i.e. giving birth to new ideas, new ways of living, or a new stage in life). Superstition-based dream interpretations say that giving birth in a dream is a sign of good luck, while multiple births are omens of forthcoming material wealth.

Those that are literally blind cannot see the world around them. They can only perceive images with their mind’s eye. When the dream is about being blind, the message is of a psychological and spiritual nature. Blindness in a dream suggests that the dreamer may be unwilling to see some aspect of his life. There may be a blind spot in the mind, heart and/or soul. The dreamer is threatened by the unconscious material being processed by the dream, and he cannot bring it to his conscious attention. The good news is that dreams are cyclical in nature. A message that cannot get through at the current time will repeat itself at a future date. The very central point of dreams is to make us aware of all aspects of ourselves and our lives. Enlightenment and integration of unconscious and conscious components take time and desire. What you cannot see in a dream currently will become visible when you are more able to effectively cope with the message. This definition also applies to
darkness and sleep as dream symbols.

It is the life-giving, vital part of our physiology and it may symbolize our strengths and weaknesses and our physical and mental health. If you are currently experiencing a very difficult time in your life, you may have dreams with bloody and frightening images. Don’t worry, you may be venting your fears! Some believe that when you see blood in your dream, the distressing situation in your life which is at the root of the dream has come to an end, and the worst is over. Consider the details and the relationships between of all the symbols in your dream before making an interpretation.

As mentioned in all relevant dream symbols, bodies of water represent your unconscious, your emotions and your accumulated soul experiences. Depending on the content of the dream, several different interpretations could be made. The boat in your dream could represent you and the manner you navigate through your emotions. It could symbolize the voyage of your life, an adventure and exploration of your unconscious, or a connection to the people in your dream by pointing out something that all of you have in common (“in the same boat”). When interpreting this dream, consider the kind of voyage and the type of boat. Superstition-based dream interpretation books say that if the voyage is calm, you should go forward with your plans. However, if it is a very stormy voyage, get ready for an emotional upset (or challenge).
“…But O the ship, the immortal ship! O ship aboard the ship! Ship of the body, ship of the soul, voyaging, voyaging, voyaging. ” — Walt Whitman

Dreaming about your body generally suggests that you are dreaming about your personal identity. Who we are is wrapped around what we look like. Our self-esteem and self-worth are too frequently dependent on our physical appearance. This dream may be pointing out some of the difficulties or pleasures in daily life that are the result of self-identity and based on attachment to our physical bodies. The body in general is the symbol of self, and the details in the dream will lead you to further interpretation. Additionally, if you are dreaming of a specific body region, or part, consider your health status.

In our daily life, books are a source of information and a place to gain knowledge. They can be inspirational, and their messages are sometimes so strong that they change our lives. The books in our dreams can represent our memories, learned understanding, ideas, or viewpoints. They can alert us to the fact that we have something new to learn and that we should spend time on mastering new tasks. Pay attention to what kind of book you are seeing in your dream and its purpose in the larger context of the dream. Also, note reading any passages or specific messages from the book. At times the book may be pointing to new themes or purposes in your life. Pay attention! The unconscious mind is constantly making attempts to communicate with the conscious in such ways that the dreamer will recognize it without panic or denial. Superstition-based dream interpretations say that if you are dreaming of books, you can be assured of slow but steady progress in your life.
See also:
School, Library

A box is believed to be a feminine symbol that represents the unconscious, the mysterious and the maternal. The famous Pandora’s Box held all the forces of good and evil in it. Pandora opened the box and unleashed its wrath into the world. She was able to close the box and in it hope. Thus, it is said that hope remains. (Pandora’s Box was not really a box at all, but a jar!) The interpretation of the box in your dream depends on the details of the dream and on the content of the box. Just remember that the box is symbolic of mystery, secrecy and of something precious. The box in your dream might represent potential that needs to be realized and that will slowly come to your conscious awareness. Dreaming of a box suggests that risk taking may be necessary and that you may discover power and wealth that currently may be in the unconscious.

As a food, bread is a fundamental part of most diets. In poverty bread is the filler, and in jail the prisoner receives bread and water to keep from starvation. In Christianity, Christ is the “bread of life,” and in popular jargon bread is used to refer to money. Crossculturaly in both physical and metaphysical references, bread is the basic sustenance of life. As a dream symbol it is rich in both meaning and message. The bread in your dreams could represent those positive and wonderful things that you have learned in your life’s journey. It could be symbolic of “good” and most basic things in your life which will yield positive benefits in the future. The bread in your dream could be spiritually symbolic; it could represent a profound communion or connection with others and with God. Consider the details of your dream before interpreting, but know that bread has positive universal symbolism and that this dream should bring with it a level of positive feelings and peace.

Breasts / Breast Feeding
Dreaming about breasts can have obvious sexual meaning. However, consider all of the details in your dream in order to obtain the most appropriate meaning. Breasts also represent tenderness, love, and other matters of the heart. Breastfeeding is symbolic of giving or receiving, nurturing, and sustenance. It represents motherly love as well as physical and emotional support and well being. Old dream interpretation books say that breastfeeding is a symbol of great things to come following an extended period of hard work.

There are many meanings that you could give to this symbol. The details in the dream are just as important as the bridge itself. The first consideration should be given to how much you travel. The bridge can be interpreted literally if it is a part of your daily commute. On a more theoretical level, bridges can symbolize transitions (e.g. transition from one stage to another, from one level of consciousness to another). Since most bridges are over water (i.e. emotions, unconscious), this dream could also be symbolic of your rising above your emotional difficulties or unconscious drives.

Brown is not the most cheerful color in the spectrum. It is a very serious color which is associated with the earth, dirt, or soil. Autumn is generally brown and it represents a season of dormancy and conservatism. The brown in your dream may be symbolic of physical reality and earthiness. It may represent things in their “barest” form, and its interpretation may encourage you to add some light and depth into your daily life.
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Depending on the details of the dream, this dream symbol could have several different meanings. The bull in your dream could represent powerful sexual energy, stubbornness, strength, and, at times, clumsiness. It could also symbolize optimism about the future and an ability to focus on a specific goal. Bulls can represent tenacity and a very strong will. Finally, since the bull is associated with the color red, some believe that it symbolizes the first chakra, which is the energy center located at the base of the spine that represents this material world.

Dreaming about funerals or burying a dead person does not necessarily symbolize physical death for you or anyone else. It could instead symbolize an ending of a different kind. You may be burying relationships, conditions or even emotions that you no longer need and which are no longer conducive to your personal growth. On the other hand, this dream may symbolize the burying of sensitivities and emotions that are too difficult to cope with. It may reflect a numbness or a feeling which is the opposite of vivacity, such as depression and emptiness. Either way, burying a living person suggests some emotional turmoil. Please consider all of the details in this dream to find the appropriate message. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming about burials is a
dream of the contrary. Instead of sadness the dreamer will experience happiness and go to celebrations, such as weddings. See also:
Coffin, Death

In order to interpret the dream with a bus ride in it, the dreamer should make associations in regard to buses. The dream has very specific meaning depending on the individual’s experiences on school buses, public transportation vehicles, special family trips, etc. At times the content of the dream may be more important than the actual setting. If the setting is secondary, then examine the other details of the dream more closely. However, if the bus and/or the bus ride was a focal point of the dream consider the value that it holds for you. Does this dream say something about your ability to “fit in” and join a group effort, project, or trip? Do you function well in group settings? Are you a leader or a follower in such situations, and what is your comfort level? This dream could also reflect a part of your life (or the journey of your life) which involved many other people who seemed to be on a same path. It could be your family, friends, schoolmates or co-workers.
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Some say that the butterfly represents the spirit or the essence of the individual: the soul. Butterflies are generally symbols of transformation because they go through a metamorphosis. They are beautiful, evasive, and, at times, inspiring. Your unconscious mind may be pointing out the most positive part of yourself or another.

Most often the button in your dream is a button on a piece of clothing, rather than a button that you push. Button or buttons on clothing represent something from your physical, or outer, self . Note if you were buttoning or unbuttoning, and, from there, attempt to obtain meaning. Unbuttoning generally represents an opening up of your emotions or ideas. You may be leaving yourself open to new possibilities as you are letting go of old thoughts and ways of doing things. Alternatively and on a positive side, buttoning up may reflect a need to conserve and to pull inward, to “button” your lip or to restrain yourself in some way. The more negative interpretation of buttoning up may be that you are currently feeling bound, restricted, or lacking some type of freedom.