Dream Symbols beginning with the letter H

Hair is highly valued by most cultures. It is symbol of vanity, security, sensuality, sexual appeal, and of youth. In some cultures women are not allowed to show their hair outside their homes. Wealthy men go through painful surgery and spend thousands of dollars to replace lost hair follicles. Needless to say, hair is a valuable dream symbol. It represents physical and spiritual strength. Samson’s hair was the source of his strength and virility. In our dreams hair can represent our thoughts, knowledge, and reasoning. White or gray hair represents age and wisdom while body hair may symbolize protection and warmth. When interpreting this dream make attempts to identify a primary issue and connect it to a situation in your daily life. See also:

We express ourselves with our hands, and appropriate reading of body language is a valuable source of information. Likewise, in the dream state the hands may reveal information about emotions, intentions, and overt behaviors. For example, if in you dream you see clenched fists you may have much repressed anger. Sometimes extended hands suggest a need to develop close friendships. If the hands in your dreams are stroking you, may be feeling sexy.

If you are currently experiencing sadness this dream may be an attempt to compensate and to comfort you. Traditionally this may be called a dream of the contrary. Extreme happiness in a dream calls for an evaluation of daily reality in an attempt to identify those things that are difficult and painful, (i.e. things that make you feel the opposite of happy). Dreaming of happy children is said to be a good omen.

Hats are usually symbolic of power and authority. They also stereotype the person that is wearing it. Look at the details in your dream especially who is wearing the hat. The type and quality of the hat usually represents the degree of authority and respect that your unconscious mind is giving to the person wearing it. Generally the person wearing the hat is representing a part of you. What is the hat saying about your position in life and your attitude toward it?

Heaven represents all of those things for which most people hope. Some of us may not be convinced of its existence, but all of us have definite ideas about what heaven should be like. In your dreams it may symbolize happiness, peace, understanding, rest, love, union between God and man, and many more positive things. Some people work for a “heaven on Earth.” Others believe that there are many different heavens and in their dreams they visit those place through soul travel. Whatever your belief system or your dream experience may be, this dream usually leaves you feeling positive and energized.

In daily life we hide from things that we don’t want to deal with or we hide from danger. As children we played the game of “hide and go seek,” while as adults we enjoy “chase and discovery.” The emotional tone of your dream will reveal its meaning. If you are hiding out of danger, then you should consider those things in your life that propose a threat to you. They could be internal forces or environmental conditions. Generally, we attempt to hide our own negativity and mistakes. This dream may call for an honest reflection on personal characteristics and an evaluation of how much fear influences our lives and decision-making.

Holes, as all other dream symbols, can only be appropriately interpreted by considering the details and the emotional content of the dream. Holes in socks, clothing, furniture, etc., may represent feelings of faultiness or depravation. You may be bringing your attention to the fact that there is something missing or in need of repair in your life. At times holes can represent the female sex organs. Dark holes can symbolize the great “unknown” or the entrance to the unconscious. If there are many negative or frightening feelings associated with this dream, you may be becoming aware of some problematic or troublesome situation in your life.

Sex in many different forms is frequently the topic of dreams. Sexual dreams don’t always have sexual meaning. They are at times about power, control, identity and other non-sexual issues of life. If you are homosexual, dreams regarding this particular sexual orientation are not atypical. They are simply the extension of your thoughts and feelings in the form that is the most familiar and meaningful to you. If a heterosexual person is having a homosexual dream, it may have a variety of connotations. The interpretation of this dream, as with all others, is very personal and generalizations are difficult to make. This dream may be about loving yourself, especially if the other individual in your dream is a stranger. The dream may be about integrating ideas and attitudes, and in a few, rare cases may be about sexual orientation. Sexual dreams are either wish-fulfilling, compensatory, or non-sexual, but rather are about issues mentioned above. See also:
Sex, Intercourse

Sweet experiences and good health are in your subconscious and most likely in your life.

The horse is a noble and powerful animal. As a dream symbol it can represent a wide range of positive thoughts and ideas about self or others. Depending on the details of the dream, horses can symbolize freedom, power, and sexual energy. At times, they can also be considered messengers, relaying information from the unconscious to the conscious, from the spiritual to the physical. If you are horseback riding it suggests that you are self assured and feel a sense of control in your daily life. Old dream interpretation books say that the color of the horse is also significant. (Remember that this is based on superstition.) Black horses are said to point out delays; white horses reinforce the positive and transformative aspects of life; gray horses may point to the difficulties in the dreamers current situation; piebald horses are symbolic of confusion; brown horses are associated with mental pursuits; tan horses are said to be symbolic of love and sex.

Many people reported having dreams about hospitals and surgery. This appears to be a relatively common dream setting. Most of us are in some need of healing. The healing may be physical, psychological, emotional or spiritual. By paying attention to this dream you may be able to identify the source of your pain, and where and how the healing needs to take place. Think about why you or someone else was in the hospital in the dream. You may ask yourself, “What is going on in the dream? What is the prognosis, and what is the cure?” Answering these questions in light of a situation or issue from your daily life could be very helpful and, at times, enlightening. Therefore, try not to get upset by your dream, but rather pay attention to its message. Superstition based dream interpretations suggest that if you are visiting a patient you will be receiving surprising news (good or bad), but if you are the patient, you may be currently overwhelmed by life and should ask others for help. See also:

Dreaming about being a hostage suggests that you may experience feelings of victimization or entrapment. This can be indicative of a situation in daily life, such as an oppressive and unsatisfactory relationship or financial difficulties. The dream suggests that you may experience feelings of powerlessness and can not see you way out of a difficult situation. Because a hostage is taken against his will, you may be feeling as though you have been trapped by another or by circumstances. Also, the hostage situation in your dream may represent a part of your personality that is not being expressed. It could be your creativity, intellect, or inner freedom. The purpose of this dream may be to make you more aware of the limiting conditions in your life. Additionally, the dream may trigger your imagination and problem-solving abilities enabling you to see new possibilities.

All dwelling places generally represent the dreamer’s psychological, emotional, or spiritual condition. The dream may reflect a current reality, issue, or dilemma and attempt to bring the dreamer into greater self-awareness. Because a hotel is a transitory dwelling, it suggests a time away from one’s responsibilities or routine. As a dream symbol it could reflect a need for rest and reflection. Depending on the details of the dream, specific information can be ascertained. For example, if the hotel is luxurious it suggests prosperity and positive decision-making. However, if the hotel is rundown and inadequate, it may reflect a time of uneasiness and depravation. Whether the hotel in your dream represented a retreat or escapism is for you to determine by examining your current daily reality. Finally, a hotel may refer to a temporary stage in life or be a form of compensation with which the dreamer eases the anxiety and stress experienced during the day.

It is common to dream about houses. They usually symbolize our emotional and psychological selves. All of your experiences, stages of development, and parts of your conscious and unconscious life may be represented by that house. The house may be representing issues concerning a particular dilemma in your life, or it may be more general and comprehensive. Either way, if you pay attention to the details in this dream, you may learn a thing or two about yourself. See also:
Kitchen, Bathroom, Attic

A hug is a very pleasant dream symbol. It suggests love and tenderness. It is also symbolic of comfort and protection. Look at all of the details in your dream and look for the positive meaning. The only time that this dream symbol has negative connotations is if you were to hug or be hugged by a very negative person or something that you consider “evil.” Otherwise, it is a sweet and comforting dream symbol.

Dreaming about hurricanes usually suggests that the dreamer is going through sudden and unpleasant changes in his life. It indicates that there is an emotional storm in the dreamer’s life or on the horizon. Old dream interpretation books consider hurricane dreams to be dreams of warning and recommend that the dreamer does not take any unnecessary risks. Additionally, if you are uncertain about doing something, don’t do anything at all! See also: